About Us

Thank you for visiting our home on the web. I am Elisabeth Gortschacher, founder of E.E.G. Coaching Pty Ltd

Besides many things, I am a dreamer. I am one that knows how to turn dreams into reality against the odds. 

I am also a believer. I believe that every person has a unique voice that yearns to be heard and the world is waiting to hear.

I believe that we are all interconnected and what we give out comes back to us. I believe in synchronicity. I believe before I see.

I am a listener. Every day I listen to the Kookaburra's distinct voice. It reinforces my deep gratitude for witnessing your emerging distinct voice and your profound impact on the world.

If you would like to learn more about the services I offer, contact me now to arrange an obligation-free strategy session to explore how I can support you in what you truly want to create in your life.

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